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Public Policy Supports for the Sandwich Generation

The “Sandwich Generation” refers to individuals who are simultaneously caring for their aging parents and their own children. This demographic is increasingly common, and the pressures they face are mounting. Juggling multiple caregiving responsibilities can lead to immense emotional, financial, and physical strain. To support these caregivers, comprehensive policy actions are essential, alongside private offerings to alleviate some of the caring burden placed on sandwiched caregivers. Here, we’ll explore key policy measures that help alleviate the burdens faced by the Sandwich Generation.

Policies Addressing Caregiver Burden

  1. Paid Family and Medical Leave
  • Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Expansion: The federal government could expand FMLA to include paid leave, ensuring caregivers can take time off to care for family members without losing income.
  • State-Level Paid Family Leave Programs: Implement and expand state-level paid leave programs like those in California, New York, and New Jersey, providing wage replacement for caregivers.
  1. Flexible Work Arrangements
  • Flexible Work Schedules: Mandate Employers offer flexible work schedules, including options for telecommuting, flexible hours, and compressed workweeks.
  • Right to Request Flexible Working: Implement policies similar to those in the UK, where Employees have the right to request flexible working arrangements, and Employers must consider these requests seriously.
  1. Tax Credits and Financial Assistance
  • Dependent Care Tax Credit (DCTC) Expansion: Increase the amount and income eligibility for the DCTC to help caregivers offset the cost of care for dependents
  • Caregiver Tax Credit: Introduce or expand tax credits specifically for caregivers, providing financial relief for out-of-pocket caregiving expenses.
  1. Respite Care Programs
  • National Family Caregiver Support Program (NFCSP): Increase funding for the NFCSP to provide more respite care services, giving caregivers temporary breaks from their duties.
  • Medicaid Waivers for Respite Care: Expand Medicaid waivers to cover respite care services, allowing more families to access affordable temporary care.
  1. Community Support Services
  • Funding for Adult Day Care Centers: Increase federal and state funding for adult day care centers, providing safe environments for elderly care recipients during the day.
  • After-School Programs: Expand after-school programs and services for children, offering caregivers additional support and supervision for their children.
  1. Healthcare Reforms:
  • Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS): Expand access to HCBS under Medicaid, ensuring more elderly individuals can receive care at home, rather than in institutional settings.
  • Long-Term Care Insurance: Encourage or mandate Employers to offer long-term care insurance as part of Employee benefits packages, making it more affordable and accessible.
  1. Educational and Training Programs
  • Caregiver Training Programs: Fund and develop training programs for caregivers, covering essential skills such as medical care, financial planning, and stress management.
  • Certification and Credentialing: Create certification programs for professional caregivers, ensuring they are well-trained and can provide high-quality care.
  1. Support Groups and Counseling
  • Mental Health Services for Caregivers: Ensure caregivers have access to mental health services, including counseling and support groups, through healthcare plans and community programs.
  • Peer Support Networks: Fund and promote peer support networks, enabling caregivers to connect with others in similar situations for emotional and practical support.
  • Employer Incentives
  • Employer Tax Credits: Offer tax incentives to Employers who provide caregiver-friendly policies, such as paid family leave, flexible work arrangements, and on-site childcare or eldercare facilities.
  • Caregiver Support Programs: Encourage Employers to establish caregiver support programs, including Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) that offer counseling and resources for caregivers.
  • Public Awareness Campaigns
  • Caregiver Awareness Initiatives: Launch public awareness campaigns to highlight the challenges faced by caregivers and the resources available to support them.
  • Information Hubs: Create centralized online information hubs where caregivers can easily access information about services, benefits, and support available to them.

Implementing these policies can significantly alleviate the burdens faced by caregivers, improving their quality of life and enabling them to provide better care for their loved ones.

The private sector also has a role to play. Increasingly high costs for Long-Term Care services, as well as insurance, is a key factor that causes adult children to take on responsibility for aging parents when they need care, but cannot afford the cost of such care. Organizations like HCG Secure and the Aging at Home Association are working to offer individuals more affordable coverage options  inclusive of caregiver support resources and services to better support families as they manage caregiving responsibilities.

The Sandwich Generation is an essential, yet often, overlooked segment of society. Implementing supportive policies is both a moral and an economic necessity. It ensures the well-being of caregivers who are vital to the fabric of our families and communities. By enacting comprehensive measures, as outlined in this post, we can alleviate the pressures on these caregivers and enable them to provide the best possible care for their loved ones; while maintaining their own health and well-being.