The future structure of the U.S. Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security programs will have an impact on Americans’ ability to age in the place they call home.
The Aging at Home Association seeks sustainable change that supports safe and comfortable aging. We invite you to learn more about evolving nature of government policy as it pertains to aging issues through the links below.
Understanding Medicare
The following organizations are credible resources to help beneficiaries navigate the Medicare program:
- Medicare Rights Center – this highly credible national, non-profit, consumer-focused organization, offers a free hotline to answer beneficiary questions and an education center to help beneficiaries navigate the program. The organization is also engaged in advocacy and public policy development to support Medicare beneficiaries.
Visit: - Center for Medicare Advocacy – This national, credible, non-profit organization helps Medicare beneficiaries understand and access their benefits. Its primary focus is on legal rights, but it also has good educational resources that provide background about the program in an understandable way.
Visit: - AARP Medicare Question and Answer Tool – This tool helps Medicare beneficiaries to better understand the benefits available to them given their needs and circumstances. This includes information on eligibility and enrollment requirements, plus plan options, coverage, and costs.
Use the Tool by clicking here
Understanding Medicaid
State-based Medicaid programs vary in their coverage of long-term care services. Use the resources below to learn more about what your state provides to qualified Medicaid beneficiaries:
- – Home and Community Based Services
This site describes how Medicaid provides opportunities for beneficiaries to receive services in their own home and communities. Programs serve a variety of target groups such as people with developmental or physical disabilities.
Click here to learn more - – Long-Term Services and Supports
This site describes Medicaid’s role in providing long-term services and supports for people with disabling conditions and chronic illnesses.
Click here to learn more - – Institutional Long-Term Care
This site describes Medicaid’s role in providing long-term residential based care supports such as nursing home care.
Click here to learn more - – State Overviews
Learn more about Medicaid eligibility requirements and state-based Medicaid program information through this government-maintained directory.
Click here to learn more - – State Directory
State by state links to Medicaid Web sites.
Click here to learn more - – State Scorecard Data – Long Term Services and Supports
Medicaid is beginning the process to measure state-by-state performance in delivering long term services and supports such as nursing home care. The link below will deliver this data in the future as it becomes available.
Click here to learn more
Quality Ratings
Organizations which derive part or all of their revenue from Medicare and Medicaid are required to report measures used to determine the quality of their services. This includes home-health, skilled nursing and nursing home providers.
Use the information below to understand how these organizations are performing in your state:
- Nursing Home Quality Rankings –
National and state-based rankings of nursing home performance based on uniform quality measures.
Click here to learn more - Skilled Nursing Facility Quality Rankings –
National and state-based rankings of skilled nursing facility performance based on uniform quality measures.
Click here to learn more - Home Health Quality Rankings –
National and state-based rankings of home health entities performance based on uniform quality measures.
Click here to learn more
Legislation pertinent to the future of America’s seniors – particularly as it affects their ability to live and age in the places they call home – will be listed here. Check back for updates as bills and policies are introduced, amended and discussed.
Credit for Caring:
This bill allows an eligible caregiver a tax credit of up to $3,000 for 30% of the cost of long-term care expenses that exceed $2,000 in a taxable year. The bill defines “eligible caregiver” as an individual who has earned income for the taxable year in excess of $7,500 and pays or incurs expenses for providing care to a spouse or other dependent relative with long-term care needs.
For more information on the Credit for Caring tax credit visit: