Research and Reports
Families, patients, communities, health care organizations and policymakers are all searching for ways to improve society’s approach to long-term care to enable more people to age at home or in their communities in an affordable way. Leading academic research centers, foundations, think tanks, government research programs, and other credible organizations are increasingly focused on the challenges of long-term care, the changing dynamics of the home care sector, and the growing needs of the senior population. The research in this section provides insights into 3 important areas for our members:
- Family Caregiving — State of family caregiving, the needs of caregivers, and future challenges and opportunities
- Aging at Home — Developments in approaches and programs that help people age at home and prospects for the future
- Financial Costs of Aging – Issues facing seniors as they save for retirement and plan for health care needs as well as important analysis about future spending on long-term care
Family Caregiving
The research in this section focuses on the field of family caregiving, with insights into the number and type of caregivers, the economic cost to families, and the needs of those individuals being cared for. Studies focus on a range of topics including analysis of future needs for caregiving and ways to better support caregivers in ways that allows individuals to age at home.
- AARP Caregivers in the U.S. 2020
This report provides a comprehensive review of the number of family or unpaid caregivers in the U.S. and how caregiving has impacted them in terms of health, resources and wellness.
Click here to learn more - AARP Family Caregiving and Out-of-Pocket Costs: 2016 Report
This report describes the financial impact of caregiving on family or unpaid caregivers in the U.S.
Click here to learn more - Caregiving & Wellbeing | MIT AgeLab
The MIT AgeLab delves into the opportunities to improve the lives of caregivers and those they care for.
Click here to learn more - TCRS – Caregiver Research
This Transamerica Institute resource represents a collaboration between the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies and the Transamerica Center for Health Studies. It offers insights into the challenges of caregiving and the impact on caregivers and those they care for.
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Also included here is guide for how to be a caregiver: Becoming a Caregiver: A Comprehensive Guide for Caregivers.
Aging at Home
In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, people are looking for new approaches to long-term care that enable people to age at home or in their community. Evolving research explores the challenges and opportunities for seniors and their families in this area, including evidence about programs that help to support people in their homes, improve health and wellness and prevent the need for expensive and isolating facility-based care.
- Growing Older at Home, National Institute on Aging
This guide describes an approach to aging in the home as developed by the National Institute on Aging, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Click here to learn more - Healthy Aging Begins at Home | Bipartisan Policy Center
Click here to learn more - Health and Housing Expert Forum: Aging in Place in Rural Communities | Bipartisan Policy Center and Rural Aging | Bipartisan Policy Center: This material from the Bipartisan Policy Center offers insights into ways to increase the ability for rural seniors to stay in their homes and address challenges associated with social isolation and aging.
- The Sharing Economy & Aging in Place | MIT AgeLab
MIT’s AgeLab includes research on how to enhance the ability of seniors to age at home in their broader portfolio of initiatives to address the challenges of longevity.
Click here to learn more - Senate Aging Committee Spotlights Falls Prevention | Bipartisan Policy Center
About 30% of Americans aged 65 and older report falling annually, making falls the leading cause of injuries and injury-related deaths for older adults. This blog post from the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) describes the importance of programs to prevent falls and keep people in their homes.
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Another resource from the BPC focuses on ways the federal government is leading efforts to prevent falls Five Ways the Federal Government Is Promoting Falls Prevention for Older Adults | Bipartisan Policy Center.
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Financial Costs of Aging
Saving for retirement is challenging for many people but estimating costs and saving for long-term care needs is very difficult and places burdens and stresses on families. A growing body of research looks at the many issues in this area, including the difficulties people have in planning and saving for their future needs.
- Long-Term Services and Supports for Older Americans: Risks and Financing Research Brief
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation – U.S. Health and Human Services – Revised February 2016.
This report describes expected rates of use of long-term care services and supports for those age 65+ and associated costs including consumer out-of-pocket spending.
Click here to learn more - TCRS – Women and Retirement
This resource organized by the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies focuses on the challenges women face in preparing for a secure retirement.
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Women Caught In-Between and Facing Uncertainty in Retirement | MIT AgeLab.
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